BeGood Cafe-Archive » Daniel Lane Photogallery May, 2012

Daniel Lane Photogallery May, 2012


May, 2012


Water shortages, Nottinghamshire, England

The UK receives a lot of rainfall every year; unfortunately there are limited natural or man made
ways of storing this precious resource and so relatively low amounts of water per head. Due to the lack of man made and natural water storage facilities in the UK water is scarce in many areas, however the demand for water is growing at a steady rate of 1% per year.


英国にも毎年たくさんの雨が降る。しかし、残念ながらこの恵みを運ぶ川や水路が充分でなく、したがって人口一人当たりの利用水量は少ない。この問 題はさまざまな方面での水不足を引き起こしている。そして、水の需要は毎年確実に1%ずつ増えているのだ。
